
Microsoft’s U.S. Miltary AR Combat Goggle Order Cancelled By Congress

Two years ago, Microsoft scored a $22 billion U.S. defence contract to assist in developing the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS). But now Congress has blocked the Army’s attempt to buy 6,900 of the AR headsets based around the HoloLens 2. The rejected order was worth $400 million; however, the reason behind Congress’s u-turn is … Continue reading Microsoft’s U.S. Miltary AR Combat Goggle Order Cancelled By Congress

Other Applications

Battlefield visualization is another application that uses virtual environments. When a person determines the strategies to combat their enemies in a real life then this kind of battlefield visualization is necessary. It is one of the key elements in the training module. Commanding officers has developed a regimen that includes this. The commanders can assess … Continue reading Other Applications

Virtual reality army exercises

Virtual reality technology is used for army exercises where the aim is to simulate combat manoeuvres but without the risk of physical danger to the participants. This means exploring hostile environments and dealing with unexpected or unwarranted situations. These situations form part of a normal tour of duty but require the necessary skills and expertise … Continue reading Virtual reality army exercises

Water Vehicle Simulators

The Navy submarine simulators are totally different from the rest of the simulations sued un-military-vehicles. Over here lifelike graphics are not needed since in a submarine you don’t really need to have windows to see outside. Instead of that these submarine simulators must have the power to project realistic real life like instrument readings very … Continue reading Water Vehicle Simulators

Virtual Boot Camp

Virtual reality has proved to be a boon in the filed of Defence. The soldiers get familiarized with the complex military vehicles and their operations and nature. However usage of virtual reality is not only limited to these trainings. Other applications use this as well. This technology is exploited to its maximum limit by the … Continue reading Virtual Boot Camp

Virtual reality war

Virtual reality is used to design combat situations or a ‘virtual war’ for use as a training tool. A simulated war zone is an ideal way to train soldiers for engagement with the enemy but in a controlled way. It removes the risks associated with a real world combat situation such as death or injury. … Continue reading Virtual reality war